Application of LCD Advertising Player in Restaurants.


1. Understand the LCD advertising player

LCD advertising players have become a market channel with great potential for development because most of the advertising viewers are young, middle-class, and highly educated groups. Because these groups have strong purchasing power and strong market influence. LCD advertising players get rid of the previous traditional advertising modes, such as traditional leaflets, newspapers, etc., while LCD advertising players are environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and provide multiple types of communication in multiple directions, which are easily accepted by the majority of groups.

Application fields of LCD advertising players: hotels, commercial office buildings, elevator entrances, elevator rooms, exhibition sites, entertainment and leisure places, subway stations, railway stations, airports, taxis, public tourist buses, trains, subways, airplanes, shopping malls and supermarkets , chain stores, specialty stores, convenience stores, promotional counters and other occasions.

2. Understand the application of LCD advertising players in restaurants

LCD advertising players are used in all aspects of the field, so what are the applications of LCD advertising players in restaurants? At the very beginning, the LCD advertising player appeared to replace the role of the TV and provide customers with some simple entertainment items, which is a unilateral display function application. Later, with the improvement of people's living standards, the service content of restaurants became more diverse. At this time, indoor LCD advertising players not only have entertainment display functions, but also play a part of the role of product notification.

Today, the role played by indoor LCD advertising players is even more complicated. On the one hand, due to the different positioning of various restaurants, on the other hand, due to the inconsistent service of restaurants to customers, the role of LCD advertising players has also changed. Some restaurants with a high-end layout have separated the actual functions of the LCD advertising player and turned it into a part of the decoration, and used it as a decoration to improve the grade, design and layering of the restaurant. But for another part of the restaurant that is positioned as a fast food or a place with a large flow of people, the LCD advertising player not only plays the role of product notification and process notification, but also undertakes part of the role of atmosphere creation and advertising. It can be seen that the application of LCD advertising players in the catering industry also takes on different functions with the passage of time and the positioning of stores. So we have reason to believe that even in the future, LCD advertising players will continue to be active in every corner and level of the catering industry.